Jon Stewart, Watch Your Back! Colbert is King!
Jon, you spawned him, and now he's the elephant in the back seat.
Formerly the funniest correspondent of fake news on Stewart's "The Daily Show" (and where before that?), Stephen Colbert now has his own show, "The Colbert Report" on the Comedy Channel.
And it's BETTER than "The Daily Show." Yes, in my opinion, Colbert is funnier (and MUCH more FEARLESS) than Stewart. So Jon, watch your back. Colbert is king.
He's hip - and he shoots from the hib - no matter how well scripted.
I'd even go so far as to say that Colbert's humor is so "right on," so incisive, so outrageously and self-righteously hilarious that Colbert is one of those rare humorists, along with the likes of Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, Will Rogers, and George Carlin, to rise to the level of not only "cult hero" but a genuine cultural hero. This nation needs Colbert - and a few more like him.
Colbert recently gave a riotous speech to the White House Press Corp dinner, with Bush and a slew of people Colbert was skewering IN THE ROOM. The speech is currently the rage de jour in many blogs. The president was not amused, befuddled as usual, but Colbert was hitting bull's eye after bull's eye. Find the transcript or, better yet, the video, being re-run on C-SPAN, and available via the web.