Vote Early, Vote Often
I got to vote in Texas' primary yesterday, and what a special treat it was, too, but no, I'm not in Tom Delay's district, so no special relish or secret sauce there.
Now, I DO live in Kinky Friedman Country. He's just down the road near Medina, and I'm just up the road in Kerrville. I see him once in a while, usually at an eating place, sometimes with one of his rescued dogs on a leash. Look for him at the Cowboy Steak House or Bill's Bar-B-Que sometime.
By voting in the primary, I passed up the opportunity to be one of the almost 50,000 signatures Kinky will need to get on the ballot for the general election this fall. I encourage all of my fellow Texans who are registered to vote and who didn't vote yesterday to sign the petitions for both Kinky and Carole Keeton Rylander Strayhorn New Last Name Goes Here, the clutzy Liz Taylor of Texas politics, married so many times she's got about five last names. Strayhorn'd be a lot better than Mr. Goodhair Perry, but she's not as funny (or sly) as Kinky. And he smokes a cigar and has a beard, which puts him closer to fidel Castro than to the voters in Casroville, Texas (just west of San Antonio, a bit further down the Medina River from Kinky's house).
Bumper sticker: "He ain't Kinky, he's my governor."
I did get to vote for some Democratic hopefuls who will most likely remain just that - hopefuls. I'd even met about a half dozen of the people I got to vote for, but aren't Texas Democratic candidates just footnotes from the get go these days?
The majority of this 'too big for its britches' state has sold its soul to the company store -- even if its Enron, even if there's jail time. Too bad that majority is loosing out: the Democrats have a lot more colorful characters than does that other so-called party. Thing is, Democrats know how to party, they just don't know how to run one, as in one for all and all for "won".
I didn't vote in any primary. I did sign Kinky's petition. I figure if I get five people to sign the petition then I've the minimum. We need a new guv and I might as well make mine a jewish cowboy.
Who was worth voting for in the primaries?
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