Friday, July 13, 2007

Bush & McCain Beginning to Fall on Their Own Swords

Before there was democracy -- and loooong before there was American Democracy -- there was the rabble. Rabble: defined as a "tumultuous crowd," a "mob," especially as associated with a course or downtrodden or lower class of people.

Well, it's not like we're throwing desks out of university offices these days, and it's not like the courser among us are beating the streets to demand an end to the Iraq War. There really is very little tumult in American society today, so taken are we with the American Dream.

Indeed, war protests are fewer and more polite than they used to be just a few years ago. You would think the war-mongers would be feeling they'd dodged the bullet, so to speak. But instead, they are, against their stubborn will, starting to fall on their own swords. There is justice in this, though it seems to me years late in coming.

If the public doesn't seem exactly 'rabblerous,' then at least many are restless, and this "many" seems to be reaching some sort of critical mass. An indicator of that: it seems the media need a turning of the tide, as part of the big build up to Election Year '08. (I actually heard 2007 mistakenly called an "election year" the other day, so rapid is the media rabble eager to get the horses in the shoots.)

The ancient power of the people and the need for news is starting to really chew at the fate of Bush, Cheney, McCain and their war. Ousted from the fray, perhaps Rumsfeld is sleeping better. These days, there would be festering sores shown in prime time of his press conferences.

The people are not happy, and besides the handwriting on the wall, they're starting to see the BILL. Gas is $3 bucks, and a lot of folks can't sell their over-priced houses or keep up with their ballooning mortgages or medical needs, and they're starting to see that a close cadre of capitalists at the top are making a lot of money off their misfortunes -- and their compliance with footing that bill, $12 billion every month. $12 billion for June. $12 billion for July. $12 billion for August.

Perhaps John McCain is a brave man, a man of principle. Maybe, even, George W. Bush is being brave and principled, but their pro-war principles aren't sitting right with most of us. No one has ever really defined "success" much less "winning" in Iraq, but the ancient power of the people is afoot, and what they sense is that every which way is losing and that it is time to take the boys and the toys home and lick our wounds, even if it means we have to later brace for battle closer to home.


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