Lawrence Walker's A Better Nation Makes Blogebrity
Blogebrity, the magazine about bloggers, has announced that the blog "A Better Nation", hosted by Lawrence Walker, has been added to the site's list of significant blogs. You can find the lists by going to and scrolling down the "C-list" on the right hand side to "Walker, Lawrence." There is a link to Walker's mail blog on political, cultural and personal matters. Walker started his blog on November 15, 2004, in the wake of the 2004 presidential election.
Walker had previously been active on Abuzz, the New York Times' site for discussion. Walker says he made his first posts to the blogosphere on Abuzz in the fall of 2000, in the wake of the 2000 election. Thus, his roots in blogging were primarily political, but he soon branched out into all sorts of cultural and more personal matters, from movies to prescription medications to personal matters. He posted over 700 times to Abuzz, but the site went defunct in early 2004.
After the election in November, Walker felt the need to once again enter the fray on political and philosophical issues. An acquaintance at the political networking site, "Love in War," suggested that Walker start a blog of his own at Blogger.
Walker was born in 1957 and grew up in Dallas. He attended the University of Texas at Austin from 1977 to 1989. He started his college career in Plan II, a selective liberal arts honors program but, after three years, switched to American Studies, interdisciplinary cultural history. After a few years managing a bookstore, Walker continued in the graduate program to receive an MA in American Civilization.
For many years, he has been a bicycle tour leader and occasional freelance writer. He intends to use his blog, "A Better Nation," to return to some of the concerns and commentary he had skirted since his days in grad school, mixing academic perspectives with pop culture, seriousness and humor to attract a wider audience.
He welcomes visitors and comments to his blog.
-- ABN Staff (yours truly, yep, me, myself and I)
Can I be on the staff?
This poor guy- to have self esteem wrapped up in a stupid blog.
And to beg for cash donations is really desperate.
Get over it anon, if you look around, you'll see a lot of bloggers have ways to donate with logo links to Paypal, Amazon wishlists and other ways. I think for some, blogs are just diaries, but some put some real effort and thought into it, maybe like Lawrence. It's all still free if you want it to be - or think that's what it's worth. So anon, what are YOUR ideas worth? Some blogs are valuable to me - now whether I can afford to contribute is another story!
Well thanks Jen, and yes, that's why I did it - I'd seen a good many others with links to Paypal and Amazon and decided to at least put the idea out there for my own questionably esteemed efforts here.
But Anon, I take your point, I think. I just hope it's not too stupid. And compared to a lot of blather out there, I'm ok with it - gotta start somewhere. And yeah, writers' self-esteem IS wrapped up in their writing, for better or worse.
I'd be amazed (and honored, truly) if anybody actually contributed.
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