Lucky you (?)
So, I wonder, who out there believes in luck?
I've just been spending some e-mail blather time with friends Mike and Jack and friends of Jack going on (and on) again about what seems to be that most eternal of debate topics - the idea of a god or gods or God or somesuch.
What I'd call supernatural, the imaginings we conjure beyond the natural realm we can see and feel and touch and measure and verify.
What I'd call (mere) superstition.
Take the tsunami, for example. A hell of a lot of the ethosphere in the aftermath of the December 26 tsunami was taken up by people trying to fit their ideas of the gods or God into that natural event - really, the simple equation of techtonic plates, water, and gravity - a very simple event taken to the most amazingly complicated, moralistic and downright irrational levels.
Ugh! Can't we get over - at least in the blogosphere, among those adept enough and ambitious enough in life to own computers - to leave behind such irrational nonsense?
And then, apropos today's date and calendrical coincidence, how many of you really believe in luck?
As in: some have more than others, as determined by a PRE-determined FATE?
My gosh, does the irrational still win out over the rational so much, so often?
No wonder Carl Sagan said that science is a candle in the dark, a bright but small flame warding off the darkness for at least a few of us.
Read most or let's say some of your writings. No comments as this time. One question though, are you still driving the BMW and the 15 passenger van?
Read most or let's say some of your writings. No comments as this time. One question though, are you still driving the BMW and the 15 passenger van?
Luck is all there is. Luck is total random chance, unpredictable, just life happening as it does. There is no mechanism behind it or pattern to it. There's no influencing or manufacturing it. Of course I believe in luck. It's the only alternative to some divine mechanism like a god.
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