Monday, January 22, 2007

Ready to Rumble

Word has it that tomorrow night's State of the Union address will highlight President Bush's domestic agenda, now that he is just coming off the raging success of his Big Bold New Direction in Iraq Speech.

Not wanting to be seen harping 100% of the time on what is not just his pet subject but his only passion, Mr. Bush will wow the chamber and the nation with wily and wonderful ways he's going to fix everything that needs fixing, stateside.

Don't count on it.

The pundits are hoping so to have some fresh meat, but Mr. Bush will prove yet again that he is the kind of guy who, same as it ever was, wants to give war a chance.

And if war's not working, then certainly more war will do. Might makes right. Just you wait and see.

Mr. Bush is not a war veteran, but he is a man of the trenches. He's the highest ranking grunt this country has endured.

On his way down the aisle, Mr. Bush will be glad handing and smiling, but he'll also be tearing up the carpet to dig himself a new front line. And he'll put up One Way signs. Roll over Franklin. Roll over Jefferson.

Mr. Vice President, Madame Speaker, distinguished guests, my fellow Americans, the state of the union is a tawdry spectacle and a selfish shell game.

All rise.


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