Throwing a Curve at the Deep Throat Herd
What a bunch of blather blogging COWS - even this "free speech" forum reduced - insidiously reduced - to a herd of cattle. The blogger buzz and even the meta-blogger buzz is all about who's writing about "Deep Throat" whether or not they are saying anything significant or which can be substantiated. (I even feel a bit self-conscious /guilty joining the fray, even though I intend to roast most involved, except W. Mark Felt himself - he's getting his due along with a ton of dirt, thanks to the media-mongering talking head whores.)
I hear from friend Mike (who braves overdosing on verbal idiocy) that Rush (yes, that would be the Dean of Ditto) is all ablaze to put a sinister/silly spin on Mr. Felt's at long last admission and his closet role in history. (And of course, that scary land of talk radio is following suite so that closet conspiracy theorists can continue to hog the airwaves.) Rush is rushing to judge W. Mark Felt as the man who could have kept his mouth shut and - WHAT? - saved America? Saved us from the loss of Viet Nam? Saved American lives in battle? Saved Richard Nixon to grace the nation with a full second term?
What Rush really wants is for any potential Deep Throat embedded in the Bush administration to keep HIS (or HER, Ms. Tripp) mouth shut so as not to bring down our leader ordained by GOD, originally elected not even by a hair but by the starched-shirt gracelessness of GORE.
The Idiot Ditto Right is good at this, I will admit, but just because they're paranoid doesn't mean they can't wreck this country. Such shameful stunts are RUSHing us into the ground, that's for sure.
What if? What if?? What if???
Mr. Felt was well aware of and privvy to illegal actions. That seems plain and simple to me. It was not his responsibility to sort out every consequence of telling the truth or not telling the truth. He found someone he could confide in, and he went for it. He did what we should all really do, whether we are brave or not.
We need not whistleblow like fools but like honorable citizens. Yes, we too would have to calculate who we could tell, and we too might have to assess the risks. But that doesn't detract from the heroism of finding a way to out illegal actions.
Linda Tripp's duty to tell the truth seems downright petty by comparison, prurient and pathetic. But would Rush say she'd become a snit to pull the rug out? It seems such fallaciousness, such outrage is the order of the media, to create firestorms in the wake of sparks, to blow up a story to fan the flames, to get audience share more than to inform.
So some might be spiting Mr. Felt because his actions, so long held in trust, do make him seem braver than most of the schmucks serving the president who (and other important public agencies that) should answer to and SERVE the people and the greater, wiser good of the country and the world. This late outing just goes to show that indeed we DO NEED undisclosed sources. We need to keep the channels open to have those in the know let the rest of us know, if not directly then at least indirectly AND before it's too damn late. (Mr. Bush's clock, we hope, is running.)
And in the wake of this splashy blast from the past, the blogger herd, all wanting to get in on linking to and repeating what others have said - just goes to show that even with this "free speech" forum, most voices, no matter how "FREE," are merely cattle in the herd. Links, links, he said, who said. But what about some thinking? what about some trained and restrained perspective on the subject? History, it seems, will never trump soap opera, especially smarmy soap melodrama - "I am not a crook!"
The cost of blogger blather in this case seems high to me because it distracts from the bigger issue and question at stake, for then and for now (since this is, I hope, relevant to the coming disgrace and downfall of the Bush II administration). And that question is: Why aren't the FBI agents and others in the know not disgraced now for NOT telling what they knew? Since when is it OK to hide, abet, shut up and lie about public servants committing and approving or covering up criminal acts?
God save the queen, but please, the American people save this country!
YAWN?!?!??! That's GOTTA be narcolepsy. I'm laughing so hard I'm snorting my milk and cookies here!
Oh my god, oh my GOD, OMIGAWD!!! I am sending you my twenty dollars RIGHT NOW!! ;)) "Media mongering talking head whores"?? LMAO!
You keep yapping, Mr. Walker.
Wake 'em up.
This reminds me of English class back in high school. I'll let you wonder what that means. (I have to aggree with you, first anonymous)
Oh, oh, OH!! HIGH SCHOOL?!?!??!? Now THEM'S fightin' words, mister! I love this post!
Meet me out back in ten minutes. I'm gonna' introduce you to the ferocious ninety-five pound Dot Holland, my high school AP english teacher.
She is is gonna _take_you_out_. ;))
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