Wednesday, July 06, 2005

HWJV? How Would Jesus Vote?

Wednesday is rant day here at ABN. Buckle up for safety.

So if a person like Jesus were alive today (and there may be a few prophets out there, male or female, secular or religious, espousing virtues, living close to their beliefs), the question is... HWTPV? How Would That Person Vote? How Would He or She Vote? And yes, HWJV? How Would Jesus Vote?

And would he be a Democrat or a Republican or an independent or an affiliate of any other political party? Would he vote at all? Would he never miss a vote? Would he hide out in the hinterland, maybe making fun of those who vote? Ridicule them? Be a nonvoter? Apolitical? A marginalized proslytizer or a mainstream media monger?

Would Jesus encourage others to vote? Would he like the idea of secular democracy? Or would he promote a church-based state or a theocracy or a fundamentalist society?

I mean, does anyone really think Jesus himself would drive a Falwellian SUV and vote Big Oil? Vote against gays? Vote against women? Vote against teenagers' needs to take responsibility? Vote for big business? Vote for the Romans over the pacifists??? Come on. What a crock for fundamentalists to think they're taking the high road. They're riding a high horse, they are, angry and fearful and dumb as below average can be.

Yeah, I think Jesus would have a thing or two to say about government getting mixed up in supporting or bashing any particular religion. He wouldn't be a big fan of the 'blood for oil' program. He'd want the people to hide their babies from the empire.

I even think Jesus would say there's a better way to sort out the Jewish/Arab/Christian time bomb. Maybe we do need those seething masses to think another "son of god" has come down to set them straight. Certainly, few of them think we heathen humans can do right by any of them.

I don't think Jesus would want to give Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell the time of day. I think he'd work to undermine fundamentalism. He'd be on Oprah, not the 700 Club. He'd show a diplomatic disdain for the egomaniacal preachers on TV. I think he'd do humble bus tours, maybe drive a hybrid or, better yet, ride a bicycle (at least around town), wear plain clothes, live close to the bone, simply, be single, be full of wanderlust and bohemian values.

Then as now, now as then.


At 7/08/2005 5:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hide the babies from the Empire"--love it! That's why I'm grabbing my grandsons and running to Canada if they institute a draft!!!

At 7/08/2005 7:43 AM, Blogger Rhesus Pieces said...

Several problems here. Lots of it is the same problems we attribute to the fundmentalists - they and you are too sure of themselves. This country was not founded as a secular or as I perceive you to want an atheistic government. That establishes a religious test, exactly what the founding fouthers were hoping to prevent. That was the basis of the recent supreme court decision on the display of the Ten Commandments on public land. You cannot build a climate that is hostile to religion in the name of separation of church and state. Most people don't think it all the way through.

How would Jesus vote? For women almost certainly. Mary was the most trusted apostle. I don't think he would support a secular democracy as you propose. As I do, most certainly! (a little humor there). Given that homosexuality is mostly biological and god either through creation or intelligent design did so, I can't imagine J would be against it.

What a crock for anyone to think they are anything but angry, fearful or less dumb than shit. Execpt for me and a couple of other elitists. Join me, Mr. Walker.

Another point is that religion is really philosophy. As is this secular stuff you talk about. Especially as presented. I don't think government should support a philosophy so hostile to religion or any other philosophy.

I think that J would play lots of golf, be bored with television, not much interested in shopping. Less on the material side than most of us. He's drive a confortable car, maybe a hybrid with leather seats. He certainly would not care much for what most preachers (television or otherwise) would have to say. He'd mail order clothes from Lands End. He wouldn't read much. No need to. He might be a prolific writer. Maybe even a blog. He wouldn't vote. No need to. As the son of god he's privy to insights we don't have.

At 7/08/2005 10:28 AM, Blogger Lawrence said...

Rhesus, sounds like you want to disagree and show some agitation with whatever my view of Jesus and secular democracy is, but really, you come off as being in agitated agreement.

As for the label of "elitist," you bet I am, right there, maybe not exactly 'joining you' but joining the mix of what it means to be an elitist in this culture. And if anyone were every "elite," it was Jesus, eh? We earthly elites can claim some intellectual and/or educational or insightful superiority, but we ain't got that supernatural juju. Our jones ain't sittin' on the right hand of God or any other body part thereof.

Plus, the only bad elite is one who discounts and rejects the weight and worth of the masses, the commoners. I am not THAT elite. I do think we are all in this together.

Of course it's all hypothetical blather, but I am leaving out the supernatural component, figuring that all we can varify is that Jesus was one prophet among many at the time - and one who himself was, apparently, less crude and more compassionate, more 'we're all in this together' than most "messiahs" of his day or since.

Rhesus, we're waiting for your blog, so we can test your pronouncements from on high.

At 7/08/2005 11:04 AM, Blogger Rhesus Pieces said...

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At 7/08/2005 11:09 AM, Blogger Rhesus Pieces said...

No aggitation here. Just observation. One religion to me looks like all the others. Even if that religion claims no god. One, ten or zero - it's all about the furvor one has in the proclaimations.

You can't be part of the masses unless you admit to some kind of supernatural (not yet explained by science) being. Join up. Me and Jesus await you.

At 7/08/2005 2:16 PM, Blogger Rhesus Pieces said...

Here's another example of a religion. One of the worst!

Don't cross them. They will get you

At 7/08/2005 9:57 PM, Blogger Lawrence said...

Yes, declaring a belief, declaring faith, buying into dogma (religious or political), is a part of "being normal," being a "part of the masses," being yes - "a commoner."

Unfortunately, a skeptical agnosticism makes one elitist. I'd rather rational thought be common, but thus far in human history, it seems to be a trait of the elite.


At 7/09/2005 5:06 AM, Blogger Rhesus Pieces said...

I found the answer. A little searching on the internet can answer any question.

Republican Jesus

At 7/08/2006 11:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you see this tee shirt on



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