Tuesday, November 11, 2008

W. doesn't stand for Wolves

Even as George W. and Laura Bush seemed to so graciously host the Obamas yesterday at the White House, the Bush administration is trying to wreak more havoc on the national lands and wildlife we own. Dick Cheney's just itching to get his gun out again as soon as the coast is clear and he can crawl out of his secret bunker, and I'm sure he wants his brave friends to be along for the hunt. For Bush and Co. 'til the last day, it's all risky business as usual. They smile as they stick the knife in.

The move is afoot (yes, again) to delist wolves in and around Yellowstone and elsewhere so that they can be not just controlled but aggressively hunted. It seems to me we humans have hunted wolves just about enough.

The NRDC is asking for citizens to respond. You can visit the NRDC to find out more and to send a customizable letter to Secretary of Interior Dirk Kempthorne.

I threw out the standard, formal letter and wrote this:
Greetings Mr. Secretary,

I hope that the Bush administration and the Department of Interior under your guidance will not run out the clock with shameful setbacks for wolves and for the people of the United States. Sure, there are hundreds, maybe thousands of hunters in the Rockies who would love to hunt wolves, but there are MILLIONS of Americans who own the national parks and national lands of this country and who want to see those wolves prosper, multiply, and expand their natural ranges with the protections for which we have repeatedly and urgently and insistently asked.

Please do what is best for wolves and for millions of Americans.

Thank you, Lawrence Walker


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